Gut Reaction

The Health Data Research Hub for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Schematic of processing samples in a biomedical lab

If you live with IBD  and visit your doctor, access treatment through the NHS or support research through participation in the NIHR BioResource or IBD Registry, you create health data.  Multiply that by thousands of people and it becomes an invaluable resource for research.  This data helps researchers  understand the causes of IBD.   From this understanding better treatments can be developed.  However, data is not always easy to find or use, slowing important research.

Gut Reaction is a research project that aims to make it easier for researchers to use the valuable real-world data held in the NIHR IBD BioResource , the IBD Registry and participating NHS Trusts.  By uniting them in a single, secure research environment,   we will create the world’s largest single repository of data from people with IBD.

One of 7 Health Data Research Hubs developed by HDRUK, Gut Reaction is a collaboration between NIHR BioResource Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, University of Cambridge, Crohn’s & Colitis UK and the following partners:

Public involvement is central to Gut Reaction and people with Crohn’s and Colitis will be involved in every step of the way. 

You can explore the data sets available through Gut Reaction using the Health Data Research Innovation Gateway, and apply for access through the NIHR BioResource data access process.

Want to know more?

You can contact us or speak to one of our team