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Studies 28-36 of 235
Cambridge Crohn’s and colitis gene study
Speciality areaGastroenterology
Study typeParticipant re-contact
Researcher typeAcademic
Research leadDr Miles Parkes
Function and Fate of Human Granulocytes
Speciality areaHaematology
Research leadDr Murray Clarke
Genetic Variation and Altered Leucocyte Function in Health and Disease (GANDALF)
Speciality areaCross-cutting
Research leadMariana Fonseca
Human knockout study: search for rare genic deletions
Speciality areaDiabetes
Study typeData only
Research leadProfessor John Tod
The role of B cells, IgG and Fcγ receptor signalling in health and disease (BIgG)
Research lead Dr. Menna R. Clatworthy
Assessing Quality of Anti-viral Responses in Ageing – (AQUARIA)
Speciality areaAgeing
Research leadDr Mark Wills
Molecular investigation of genetic factors in CArDiovascular diseases using a BIOresource of healthy volunteers (CADBIO)
Speciality areaCardiovascular Disease
Research leadDr.Dirk Paul
Boosting vaccine responses in older persons
Speciality areaAgeing, Infection, Primary Care
Research leadDr Michelle Linterman
Genetic Analysis of Platelets in Healthy Individuals (PASHA)
Speciality areaCardiovascular Disease, Haematology
Research leadProfessor Willem Ouwehand