Investigating changes in memory and attention associated with ageing
Study code
NBR05 / CBR152
Lead researcher
Prof. Anne Nobre
Study type
Participant re-contact
Institution or company
University of Oxford
Researcher type
Speciality area
Neurological Disorders, Ageing
The purpose of our research is to understand how the Apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) affects cognitive processes, such as memory and attention, specifically across ageing. Two groups of participants (one age range 18-35 the other age range 60-80 years) will perform simple computer-based tasks of short-term memory. More specifically, participants will be invited in to a designated location where they will be presented with a touch screen computer game and asked to remember the location and identity of objects. Following a delay, participants first have to identify the item they held in memory and then drag it to its remembered location. The whole task will last about 2 hours.